Long Term Care Insurance Quote and Information

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Myths About Long Term Care Insurance

Find out more about long term care and long term care insurance. Test your knowledge with the following statements; are they true or false:

  1. I don't need long term care insurance because the government will pay.

  2. I don't need long term care insurance because my family will take care of me.

  3. I don't need long term care insurance because I can save on my own.

  4. I cannot afford to purchase long term care insurance.


I don't need long term care insurance because the government will pay.


Medicare is a government welfare program that pays for acute care needs such as hospital stays and physician visits. It only pays for skilled nursing home stays following hospitalization. Medicare also limits help at home primarily to those who need skilled nursing care and rehabilitative therapy.

Medicaid long term care programs primarily pay for the poor and those who use up their financial resources. Most Americans pay for long term care out of their own pockets.


I don't need long term care insurance because my family will take care of me.


With the advancements in technology, family members live farther and farther apart. More families are also depending on dual-incomes to maintain their lifestyles.

With 70 million baby boomers reaching old age in the same period of time, family members may not be available, and even if they are, most of us would rather not be a burden to them.

I don't need long term care insurance because I can save on my own.


According to the American Council of Life Insurance, a two-year nursing home stay could cost about $500,000 in forty years' time. Therefore, a 45-year old would have to save about $3,500 per year for 40 years and achieve a 7% annual return, to fund the expense at age 85.

Can you save for your retirement, pay for your children's education, and save for your long term care needs?

Years to Save Until Age 85

Annual Savings Needed

With 8% inflation, 8% Investment Return With 10% Inflation, 5% Investment Return
20yrs. $23,736 $75,266
30yrs. $9,589 $34,061
40yrs. $4,196 $18,733


I cannot afford to purchase long term care insurance.


Annual premiums could be less than $500 per year, depending on your age, medical history and the degree of coverage that you seek.



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