Long Term Care Provider
Quality Checklist
Research shows that
Americans want and value quality health care. The problem is
that the quality of health care services varies in our country—a
For example, some
health plans
doctors simply do a better job than others of helping you stay
healthy and getting you better if you are ill.
Fortunately, health care quality can be measured, and it can be
You can find out how
in a new guide developed by the Agency for Health Care Policy
and Research (AHCPR) of the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS).
Your Guide to
Choosing Quality Health Care describes quality measures
including consumer ratings, clinical performance measures, and
accreditation—what they are, where to find them, and how to use
them. Click here to review and print the entire guide.
The Guide provides other information, such as the following
"Quick-Checks for Quality," that summarize the major ways you
can check for quality health care.
Look for a plan that:
Has been rated
highly by its members on the things that are important to
you. |
Does a good job of
helping people stay well and get better. |
Is accredited, if
that is important to you. |
Has the doctors and
hospitals you want or need. |
Provides the benefits you
need. |
Provides services where and
when you need them. |
Meets your budget.
Look for a
doctor who:
Is rated to give quality care. |
Has the training and background that meet your needs. |
Takes steps to prevent illness (for example, talks to you about quitting
smoking). |
Has privileges at the hospital of your choice. |
Is part of your health plan, unless you can afford to pay extra. |
Encourages you to ask questions. |
Listens to you. |
Explains things clearly. |
Treats you with respect. |
When choosing a treatment, make sure you understand:
What your diagnosis is. |
Whether treatment is really needed at this time. |
What your treatment options are. |
Whether the treatment options are based on the latest scientific
evidence. |
The benefits and risks of each treatment. |
The cost of each treatment. |
Look for a hospital that:
Is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations. |
Is rated highly by State or consumer or other groups. |
Is one where your doctor has privileges, if that is important to you. |
Is covered by your health plan. |
Has experience with your condition. |
Has had success with your condition. |
Checks and works to improve its own quality of care. |
Look for long-term care that:
Has been found by State agencies, accreditors, or others to provide
quality care. |
Has the services you need. |
Has staff that meet your needs. |
Meets your budget. |
This initiative is one effort of HHS to address the findings of the
President's Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in
the Health Care Industry.
(AHCPR Publication No. 99-R027. Current as of
September, 2002) |